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april shower 忽下忽停的春雨。


They were fresh now as a succession of april showers and gleams , followed by a lovely spring morning , could make them : the sun was just entering the dappled east , and his light illumined the wreathed and dewy orchard trees and shone down the quiet walks under them 四月里持續不斷晴雨交替的天氣,以及緊隨的春光明媚的早晨,使這些花草鮮艷無比。太陽正進入光影斑駁的東方,陽光照耀著花滿枝頭露水晶瑩的果樹,照亮了樹底下幽靜的小徑。

John : in new york , it usually doesn ' t rain very much in spring . we usually have showers . we often say , “ april showers bring may flowers . 約翰:在紐約,春天通常不下很多雨。通常是陣雨。我們時常說:四月的陣雨帶來五月的花。

Active happiness - not more satisfaction or contentment - often comes suddenly , like an april shower or the unfolding of a bud 積極的快樂? ?并非單純的滿意或知足? ?通常不期而至,就像四月里突然下起的春雨,或是花蕾的突然綻放。

April showers usually just bring may flowers , but this year we ' re being treated early with new blue mode 四月份的雨季通常會帶來五月份的花香,可是今年一連串新的藍色摩登系列將會提早款待我們!

In more recent times , this truth has been expressed as : april showers bring may flowers 近來這一真理被闡述為:四月的雨帶來五月的花。

Q : if april showers bring may flowers , what do may flowers bring 四月的春雨帶來五月的花,那么五月的花帶來什么呢

If april showers bring may flowers , what do may flowers bring 四月的春雨帶來五月的花,那麼五月的花帶來什麼?

If april showers bring may flowers , what do may flowers bring 四月的春雨帶來五月的花,那么五月的花帶來什么呢

April showers bring may flowers 四月春雨迎來五月鮮花

April showers bring may flowers 四月陣雨天,五月花似錦。

April showers bring may flowers 四月的陣雨帶來五月的花。

April showers bring forth may flowers 四月陣雨帶來五月花。

March winds and april showers bring forth may flowers 輕柔柔三月風,淅瀝瀝四月雨,喚來五月百花艷。

April shower bring forth may flower 四月雨綿綿,五月百花妍。

March winds and april showers bring forth may floweers 三月的風,四月的雨,使五月里花兒開滿地。

April showers brought may flowers bursting into blossom ahead of time 4月陣雨使5月花提前開放。

April showers call forth may flowers 四月的陣雨帶來五月的鮮花。

March winds and april showers brought forth may flowers 3月風、 4月雨使5月花開。